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On listening to understand

In an increasingly cacophonic world, our heads become filled with noise: the never-ending buzz and rumble of minds constantly projected onto the next thing; towards the future.

We each live in our own bubble, in our own headspace.

Amid conversation, we often find ourselves focusing less on the other person than on our internal monologue, that voice telling us what’s next.

As we wait for our turn to speak, our mind races as the other speaks: we’re listening to reply rather than to understand.

A breathing space or silence becomes an opportunity to intercede and fill with whatever we’re mulling over. No need to pause, think, wait, ponder or consider what the other person is really trying to communicate.

We assume to understand with clarity where they’re coming from, what their experience or insight is.

But communication isn’t a one-way street: it’s a feedback loop where listening is the ying to talking’s yang. So we project, impose our own ideas, thoughts and feelings onto others.

And we cannot help being like this at work too.

The thing is, an organisation is the sum of all its parts: a reflection of everyone within it.

And many organisations have an inward-looking default setting: self-important and, at times, even self-indulgent and self-obsessed. Egotistically led by those who assume to know best: better than the people they’re supposed to serve.

Just build the thing and they will come.

Just put it out there and the ‘public’, ‘customers’, ‘whomever it may concern’ will pick it up and work it out for themselves.

To respect others is to listen to them, see things from their perspective, understand their needs. Listen from a place of curiosity, empathy and kindness, without preconceived ideas.

How can we build more empathetic, humble and considerate organisations, ones that listen rather than tell by default?

Because listening makes us learn. Listening makes us understand. Listening makes us find common ground.

As Epictetus said, “we have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak”.

Our highlights

💡 Ideas

Katherine Bradshaw and Dan Ramsden

BBC’s Creative Director for Content Design and longtime friend, Katherine Bradshaw looks at resilience in the workplace through the eyes of employees and managers, and its relationship with loss, growth and protection.

🔮 Trends

Kyle Chayka, The New Yorker

A year old yet more relevant than ever, Kyle Chayka reflects on how life in the digital age is increasingly about capturing, collecting, and curating ‘vibes’; a feeling that comes before putting words to an experience.

✍ Language

Bryony Shannon

In an ongoing exploration of language in social care, Bryony Shannon looks at the danger of labels and questions words that blame, stigmatising people as problems.

💻 Business

Emily Middleton, Public Digital

Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to matters of ethics. Public Digital Partner, Emily Middleton recounts what the agency has learnt from setting up an ethics and risk screening process for prospective clients, and explains why good decision-making is everyone’s responsibility.

📣 Creativity

Lex Fridman podcast

Having worked with some of the greatest artists of all time, Rick Rubin discusses, among many things, what it means to have a conversation, and the difference between performing for others in the room and allowing ourselves to be intimate and open.


Author, Malcolm Pryce

The king of Welsh noir and another longtime friend, Malcolm Pryce shares his secrets to writing a successful novel with dozens of brilliant tips and tricks on how not to give up in his free bite-sized e-course.



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