When you think about it, life can be quite repetitive and routinary.
We wake up, shower, go to school or work, interact with others, make decisions, go home, eat, sleep, and repeat.
It’s like taking the same pill every day.
But every now and then, something interrupts the regular stream of events that’s our lives.
Something different, something singular. Something outstanding. A serendipitous encounter, a random happenstance, an unexpected offhand comment. A meaningful conversation, a spontaneous decision that takes you out of the regularity of daily life, and sets itself apart from everything else.
It doesn’t need to be exceptional, but in the moment and for a split second, this welcome surprise is somehow extraordinary.
We crave this in one way or another. Yearn for excitement, a shared desire for something different.
Even at work, as we strive to create change for the better and bring others along with us, the inertia can be frustrating.
But what if we could give the people around us something different and inspiring? Something that breaks the routine and monotony of daily life, making the heart race with anticipation?
An experience to be part of, proud of, advocate for.
Something worth sharing.
Being part of a change-making project, trying a different way of thinking and doing, contributing instead of just following instructions.
Sometimes what we need is permission to think outside of business-as-usual.
To experiment, explore, enjoy, and have fun. To be part of something meaningful. The carrot works better than the stick.
So gift them something to get excited about.
Our highlights
✍ Content design
Tom Youll
If you need to get feedback on some work, this guide to running a crit from content pro, Tom has you covered with tips for every stage of the process.
Bill Bannear
A brilliant thought piece with personal stories on the value of relationships as an outcome, and why time spent building relationships and networks is not ‘fluffy’. (Via Vicky Teinaki's wonderful weeknotes)
📣 Language
Leslie Jamieson, The New Yorker
Questioning the experience we often refer to as 'imposter syndrome', this deep dive looks at the complex emotions attached to it and why everyone feels like they're faking it.
🔮 Trends
Rest of World
A collection of short stories and interviews from spaces across the world on the brink of disappearing.
💻 Digital
Fascinating musings on “time devices” we’ve created to help us remember the past, optimise the present, and shape the future.
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